Events for June 1, 2023
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7:30 pm
The Chattermakers Craft Group St Ive
The Chattermakers Craft Group meets at St Ive Village Hall on Thursdays at 7.30pm. All are welcome to join in and work on your own projects or just pop along for a natter, with tea, coffee and biscuits. Find out more »
7:00 pm
Liskeard Cricket Club Assessable Cricket
Accessible cricket is a new project for Liskeard Cricket Club – and its starting next week. Open to everyone who may require assistance to play cricket, they are having their first session next Thursday, 18th May. If you use a mobility chair, need support to walk, or just interested in how you can get involved, […] Find out more »
Silent Yin Yoga Sukha Shala
Sukha Shala hold a Silent Yin Yoga Class every Thursday from 7pm – 8.15pm in the Sukha Shala Studio. Yin yoga is also referred to as slow yoga. This is a gentle class holding each pose for a longer period to help stretch the connective tissue in the body, and to release stresses in both […] Find out more »
4:00 pm
Pokemon Club
A Pokémon Club is being held at the Liskerrett Centre (in the Doniert Room) fortnightly Thursdays between 4pm and 5pm. This is a fun session for all thing Pokémon related, including trading card, Pokémon battles and chat! Parents/Carers are required to stay with their children at all times. Find out more »
1:20 pm
Rubber Bridge
Liskeard Bridge Club meets 3 times a week Duplicate Bridge Tuesday evenings arrive by 6.30 for 6.40 start and Friday afternoons arrive by 1.20 for 1.30 start. Rubber Bridge Thursday afternoons arrive 1.20 for 1.40 start. Venue: Wheal Phoenix Room, Public Hall, Liskeard. Chairman: Mike Smith 01579 348265 Secretary: Roger Jones 01579 347179 Prospective members […] Find out more »
10:15 am
Shallal Dance Theatre Inclusive Community Dance Theatre Group
‘Out There’ is Shallal’s inclusive dance theatre community group in Liskeard, welcoming everyone regardless of age or ability. The sessions are fun, creative and very supportive and we perform locally to the public every year. The group takes place every Thursday morning, during term time at the Liskerrett Centre, a thriving community resource at the heart […] Find out more »
10:00 am
Parent and Baby Drop-In
Term Time Only. A parent and baby drop-in session is held every Monday (term time only) from 10am – Midday at St Ive Village Hall. A warm, dry space for parents, childminders and friends to meet up with babies and small children. £3. Please call Beth 01579 382066 or Amanda 07703 393070 for more information. Find out more »