Events for May 31, 2023
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6:45 pm
Hatha Yoga Sukha Shala
Sukha Shala hold a Hatha Yoga Class every Wednesday at 6.45pm in the Sukha Shala Studio. Hatha is the physical practice of yoga postures (asanas), meaning that all postures are hatha. Hatha is a gentle practice, usually holding postures for a few breaths. Hatha uses the postures and breath together to prepare the mind and […] Find out more »
10:00 am
Workout Wednesday Dobwalls
Workout Wednesdays at Dobwalls Memorial Hall. This class is suitable for all ages and abilities. Have fun and keep fit. There are two classes on this workout Wednesday, one at 10am and one at 11.15am. For more information please contact Sam Holman on 07813 281407. Find out more »
Cornwall Choir Collective
A new weekly daytime singing group for women held at Liskerrett Community Centre. More details on www.cornwallchoircollective.com & get in touch to book a free trial A lovely & supportive space to de-stress & connect through singing, where everyone has a voice! SINGING IS GOOD FOR YOU ♫ Reduces stress & anxiety ♥ ♫ Improves overall health […] Find out more »